How Can We Help You?Ready to join Intercept? If so, click here to jump to read about our new member onboarding. Please select an option below so we can route your information to the appropriate person. * I am man wanting more information on joining Intercept I am the spouse/friend/family member of a man that needs Intercept I am a pastor/counselor seeking information on Intercept Something else (provide details in the message box above) Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * Best number to contact you. We can either text or call. (###) ### #### Contact Preference * Phone Call, please do not leave a voicemail Phone Call, please leave a voicemail Text Message Email Message * Thank you for providing your information. We are excited to connect with you. A member of the Intercept leadership team will reach out to you in the next 72 hours.For immediate answers you may contact our founder, Craig Blanchette, by scheduling a meeting with the link.Link to schedule meeting with Craig